LIC Surrender Value Calculator
* This is an approximate calculation. Actual surrender value may vary based on LIC's current rules and policy conditions. Please consult your LIC agent for exact values.
Standard User Guide:
Input Fields Explanation:
Policy Type: Select between Endowment or Money Back plans
Annual Premium: Yearly premium amount in ₹
Policy Term: Total duration of policy in years
Years Paid: Number of years premiums have been paid
Bonus Accumulated: Total bonus received (if any)
Calculation Process:
Select policy type from dropdown
Enter annual premium amount
Enter total policy term in years
Enter number of years premiums have been paid
Enter bonus amount (if applicable)
Click “Calculate Surrender Value”
Result Interpretation:
Total Premiums Paid: Sum of all premiums paid till date
Surrender Value Factor: Percentage applicable based on policy type and duration
Surrender Value: Estimated amount receivable on surrender
Important Notes:
Minimum 3 years premium payment required for surrender value
Surrender value factors increase with policy duration
Money Back plans typically have lower surrender factors
Bonus amounts vary based on policy performance